Ningdian Instrument CO., LTD
Ningdian Instrument CO., LTD

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  • Gas filled thermometer
  • Gas filled thermometer
Gas filled thermometer Gas filled thermometer

Gas filled thermometer

 ND23------ Gas Filled Thermometer



Gas Filled Thermometer

Gas Filled Thermometers are manufactured to the highest standard for a wide range of uses and may be fitted to almost any thermometer indicating appliction .These instruments are ideal for remote reading panel installations ,and can be provided with tube system length up to 100 feet .Being vapor actuated ,they are not subject to indicator error dut to ambient temperature variations along the tube system,and will give excellent reading both above and below ambient. Vapor instruments have progressively graduated scales and are best read in the upper of the temperature range.

Gas Filled Thermometers can be installed in most existing piping and tank applications ,which are available as direct reading ,or remote reading with stainless steel bulbs and armored capillary .The sensing bulb should be placed in a none-turbulent area of piping or ducting and as close the center of the flow as possible .In tanks,it should be placed in an area of the tank that will provide a good average of the temperature of the fluid contained .The bulb should be protected from corrosive or abrasive media and excessively high pressure .The usual method of protection is the use of a thermowell.


Gas Filled Thermometer

(straight  Form)

Standard Features

Case:304 Stainless steel case with snap-in ‘u’ring gasketed clear lexan molded window.The case can be filled with Silicon Oil to protect from shaking and so on.

Bulb: Stainless steel

Pointer:Adjustable ,balanced aluminum with matte black or red polish.

Temperature Range :-40~60℃, -20~60℃, 0~120℃, 0~150℃, 0~200℃, 0~300℃, 0~400℃, 0~500℃, 50~300℃/-40~160℉, 0~100℉, 0~220℉, 20~240℉, 25~125℉, 50~400℉, 50~500℉, 50~600℉, 50~750℉


Screw:1/2”NPT,3/4”NPT or 1/2”BSP, 3/4”BSP

